aka “Ambassadeur Infernal” A cunning and malevolent devil, counsellor to Asaliah.
Sniper Chick for ‘Relic Knights’, second assignment for Soda Pop Miniatures. Can be bought from…
Another piece with Studio McVey. Sculpted mid 2015 for the CoolMiniOrNot game THE OTHERS. Kickstarted…
Badass corrupt villains. Sculpted in milliput during winter 2002. Way too many rivets.
Those were entirely modular, lots of possible combinations. Yet we only painted two…
Chinese Assassin, sculpted for SmartMax’s Smog 1888 in january 2010.
Another piece with Studio McVey. The tricky par was the weird vertical mouth piece in…
Conquering emperor, aging. Vanquished by Wismerhill. Sculpted in milliput.